Skate It

When i was kid i loved skateboarding a lot and i skateboarded every day. One day i jumped down some stairs and i failed in middle and it was so bad injury i was invalid for rest of my life.
I cant use my legs but i can use arms and head normally. I was really sad but i came happy when my parents bought me an skateboarding game for NDS called Skate It. 
I played it for couple weeks and i completed it 100%. Then i decieded go to Library, because it had huge stairs and lots of other things. I wish i never choosed that place.
Then the screen goed black for moment and it came back to normal. Usually every place was full of CPU players but i didnt saw them at all. I was little creeped out from that.
I made an cool line of tricks but then i failed on the huge stairs. Then hyperrealistic blood came out and i noticed it was picture of mine in the game. Then he came alive and he looked horrible! He said. Stan Marshhhhh... I come and killl you! Then i screamed and shutted the game. 
Then my doorbell ringed. There were no-one. It ringed again and i opened it very fastly and i noticed it was Tails Doll... Uh, i mean evil me. Then he killed me very realisticly and last vision i had was me jumping at skateboard and failing...